Advertising Pricing Details
Vendor Supporters and Industry Contributors |
ad·ver·tise,ad·ver·tise·ment,ad·ver·tis·ing, n. 1: a public notice or announcement,
usually paid for, as of things for sale, needs, etc. 2: to tell about or praise ( a product, service, etc.) publicly, as through online, newspapers, handbills, radio, etc., so as to make people want to buy it. 3: to call the public's attention to. |
Online Banner Advertising Opportunities
Purchasing your Advertising Program is very easy & secure.
There are six types of banner Campaigns that can be utilized one our web site at present:

Header Banner |

Footer Banner |

Green A01 Banner |

Blue A01 Banner |

Blue A02 Banner |

KeyClub Program |
Specifications are:
- Size in Pixels: 468x60
- Maximum File size: 16 Kb
- Image Format: GIF or JPG
- Can be animated
- Can be a script
- Appears on 98% of web site and on all Networking Forums
Cost of Program:
- US $650 for 100,000 Impressions (item #HB00001)
- US $750 for 450,000 Impressions (item #HB00001)
- US $1,150 for 1,000,000 Impressions (item #HB00001)
- Size in Pixels: 468x60
- Maximum File size: 16 Kb
- Image Format: GIF or JPG
- Can be animated
- Can be a script
- Appears on 98% of web site
Cost of Program:
- US $550 for 100,000 Impressions (item #FB00001)
- US $650 for 450,000 Impressions (item #FB00002)
- US $950 for 1,000,000 Impressions (item #FB00003)
GREEN A01Banner
- Size in Pixels: 123x125
- Maximum File size: 15 Kb
- Image Format: GIF or JPG
- Can be animated
- Can be a script
- Appears on 98% of web site
Cost of Program:
- US $500 for 100,000 Impressions (item #GBA0101)
- US $600 for 450,000 Impressions (item #GBA0102)
- US $850 for 1,000,000 Impressions (item #GBA0103)
BLUE A01 Banner
- Size in Pixels: 123x125
- Maximum File size: 15 Kb
- Image Format: GIF or JPG
- Can be animated
- Can be a script
- Appears on 98% of web site
Cost of Program:
- US $500 for 100,000 Impressions (item #BBA0101)
- US $600 for 450,000 Impressions (item #BBA0102)
- US $850 for 1,000,000 Impressions (item #BBA0103)
BLUE A02 Banner
- Size in Pixels: 125x80
- Maximum File size: 15 Kb
- Image Format: GIF or JPG
- Can be animated
- Can be a script
- Appears on 98% of web site
Cost of Program:
- US $400 for 100,000 Impressions (item #BBA0201)
- US $500 for 450,000 Impressions (item #BBA0202)
- US $750 for 1,000,000 Impressions (item #BBA0203)
- Size in Pixels: 140x108
- Maximum File size: 10 Kb
- Image Format: Animated GIF
- Managed in-house
- Can not be a script
- Appears on 98% of web site
- Features eight month Unlimited Impressions.
- KeyClub Banner Ads are Priority Rated
- Priority placement for Press Releases
Cost of Program:
- CPS DJ/VJ/KJ Summit Sponsorship Program
Click Here to view details (Best Overall Value)
- Features eight month Unlimited Impressions.
- Key
When you participate in these programs you have total control With your paid account your will be able to:
- Change your banner ad at anytime, 24/7, new product, seasonal, etc.
- View your statistics for any date range 24/7.
- Manage your investment by having your history available for review any time you wish 24/7.
- You will also receive automated emails that contain your's banners statistics and when your advertising campaigns have expired.
View how the Banner Administration Works!
Login here to a demonstration account. The "Log In Name" is 'sample' and password is 'cpsdj'. Both are consisted of all lowercased letters and no quotes.
First by purchasing Banner Advertisement you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions, then click on the CLICK HERE TO ADVERTISE or the button below and select the campaign you like. To purchase an advertising program, you need only your credit card. Once payment has been received, we will create your advertising account and will provide details about your banner preferences (Headline Banner, Footer Banner, GreenA01, BlueA01, BlueA02, KeyClubPlatinum, KeyClubGold. KeyClubSilver, DHTML, Flash, Pop-up, etc).
Please note that the order will be made in a secure and encrypted page at our sister site.
After you purchase your Advertising Program and your payment is processed, we will contact you to create your personalized vendor account and give details on how you can manage your program. (we also can manage your account for you at no additional fee) After the payment confirmation you'll receive an email request for your banner graphic, target URL and give your login and password so you can access your online real-time statistics.
Each Advertising Program purchase will apply to a single campaign area that will receive either 100,000 imp., 450,000 imp., or 1,000,000 imp. (depending on your purchase). Within each campaign, you can change the banner as you see fit always keeping within the terms.
You can make payments using PayPal with any of these cards:
If you're ready, please click this image for secure shopping cart.
Advertising | Terms and Conditions | Advertising Pricing Information
Purchase Banner Ad Campaign
Outside Our Industry.
Wikipedia reference to CPS
Wikipedia reference to Disc Jockey
Wikipedia reference to Mobile Disc Jockeys
Register today for the 2007 5th Annual CPS Summit
Advanced registration offers in effect.
The Official CPS Industry Survey
Computer DJing Industry Survey
The purpose of the survey is to collect product-anonymous information about computer DJs, which we will aggregate and publicly share with the hardware manufacturing and software development community community. The survey features multi questions, and upon completion you will be entered in a drawing to win some great prizes and software. All responses will remain completely anonymous and no personal information will be shared, harvested or sold.
The more completed surveys we get, the better our data will be, meaning our findings will be of greater interest to the hardware manufacturing and software development community. Be sure to take the survey! All of your information will remain anonymous, and once we receive enough responses, we'll announce when we'll publish the data.
Click here to take survey.
Educational Review Material
DJ Summit Review DVDs
Did you miss last years Computer DJ Summit? After two years of coveing many 101 topics, future Summits will now focus on advanced learning. If you missed the wealth of information shared during the Summit you will find several review DVDs now available in the official CPS Store. These DVDs will catch you up for future events. DVDs ar available in two disc sets and mega sets. Click here for details.
CPS Certification Gives an Edge
In a white paper titled Certification: Networking With the Best, George R. Conrade, wrote, "Certification is an excellent way to gain a competitive edge and give proof of your abilities, knowledge, and level of skill. To be certified in any profession, whether it's as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or as a CPS Certified Disc Jockey (CPSDJ), means you have joined a network of individuals who meet consistent, knowledge-based standards of ability, position, experience-even ethics. When you pursue certification, you're testing yourself against these standards of proficiency." Click here for details.
Computer DJ/VJ/KJ Summit/Cruise
Special announcement... The Digital DJ Summit/Cruise will began in Tampa, Florida. This years event will be groundbreaking for the novice and experienced Disc Jockey. Anyone “already” or “planning” to mix mp3s or other music file format with hardware, software or combination of both. Block your schedule and don't forget to attend the Monday evening " Weddings Ground-0" seminar to discover the plans for the 2019 Summit.
NOTICE: The 2019 Summit is a B.Y.O.L where you can plug-into the live experience.